Ministerial Briefs and Correspondence

Deliver fast, high quality advice with ease

Efficient. Transparent. High quality. Collaborative. Our software solution is purpose-built for managing the ministerial process.

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A smarter, more efficient way to manage processes and paperwork

Lack of visibility with minimal tracking. Difficult to manage and meet KPIs. Manual paper handling and too much rework. Sound familiar?

Managing ministerials is painful. Requests for advice and correspondence are on the rise. You’re spending a disproportionate amount of time managing the process instead of working on the task. And you're under constant scrutiny to improve, standardise and decrease response times.

Objective Ministerials is a purpose-built workflow management solution bringing efficiency, transparency and governance to this process. So you can focus on delivering impactful, informative briefings to your minister faster, so they can make the decisions that shape our world.

Management visibility and accountability

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Management visibility and accountability

Maintain control, monitor progress, reduce response times, manage your team and meet your KPIs.

Dashboards give you visibility of what’s going on

See the status of all in-flight Ministierials, spot potential bottlenecks in your content-driven processes and monitor progress against KPIs.

Smart workflows enable you to deliver faster, more efficient services

Comprehensive business process workflow automation, case management and ad-hoc routing capability gives you complete control and improved task and process governance.

Valuable intel helps you meet management goals and KPIs

Report on completed processes, measure KPIs and deploy continuous business improvement initiatives across the agency. Dashboards provide entitled users ability to view all ministerial processes, in real time, with the ability to drill into the details.

User accessibility and productivity

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User accessibility and productivity

Produce accurate briefs regardless of volume, variety and velocity.

Task automation reduces turnaround times and increases efficiency

Tasks can be customised with instructions, checklists, supporting information (such as policy documents and links to relevant content in your information repository) and are easily searchable.

Information authenticity and integrity leads to better decision making

Rapidly action a request because all the relevant information is right your fingertips. Have complete trust in the accuracy and integrity of your information through end to end process governance and audit history.

Work anywhere, anytime, with anyone

Extend your information within and beyond your agency, to empower remote, at-home and extended hours staff.

Team collaboration and efficiency

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Team collaboration and efficiency

Enable collaboration by safely sharing information between teams or agencies.

Improve timeliness and accuracy

Teams are able to identify unassigned tasks, stalled processes or issues for fast resolution. Processes are easily updated or altered and remain automated as business requirements evolve.

Reduce overhead of physical files and documents

Eliminate the need for manual routing, tracking and reporting, savingsignificant costs involved with paper based workflows.

Enable people outside your agency to work with you

Seamless integration with your information repository means you can share files while maintaining the single source of truth. Existing information policies and permissions are checked before any content is shared with your external trusted partners.

Organisational risk and morale

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Organisational risk and morale

Staff preparing ministerial responses need fast, easy access to relevant information without the worry of placing the agency at risk.

Reduce information security risks

Access to business process workfows, tasks and related documents is controlled, monitored, tracked and audited, ensuring only authorised usershave access to sensitive content.

Empower knowledge workers and improve morale

Working in a Ministerial Liaison Unit can be frustrating if you are hampered by inadequate processes and tools. Ad-hoc routing within ministerial processes provides knowledge workers with the ability to take ownership of their tasks and work more effectively.

Typical gains agencies are making

Benchmarking data shows that Objective customers are making transformational gains in their ministerial processes.

Img ministerials 94pc docs approved on time
Img ministerials 86pc reduction response time
Img ministerials 100pc approvals digital
Img ministerials 2 day response time


Help the ministerial liaison office plan for and deliver accurate, informative briefs.

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Intuitive workflow

Digitally transform ministerial processes with powerful and comprehensive automation.

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Dynamic case management

Increase flexibility by enabling effortless movement between business processes.

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Control, monitor, track and audit through an intuitive dashboard.

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Actionable emails

Business users receive an email containing all relevant information they require to action a task.

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Intuitive task forms

Comprehensive forms support users with instructions, actions, relevant documents, links to content directly from your information repository

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Exception management

Options for cases where exceptions are necessary to keep a process on track while everything is monitored, security controlled and audited.

Explore all features


Learn more about streamlining your Ministerial processes

Img resource thumb exec brief mastering ministerials

Executive Brief

Mastering Ministerials

Good governance and the alignment of policies, people, processes and platforms enables an innovating government to deliver the services expected by citizens and customers.

Read Executive Brief
Img resource thumb solution brief ministerial excellence

Solution Brief

Ministerial Excellence

Learn how Objective Ministerial solution can deliver more accurate, timely and consistent Ministerials by injecting governance into each element of your process.

Read Solution Brief
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Solution Snapshot

DPC Optimises Correspondence

The NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet (DPC) have digitally transformed their 7,000+ pieces of correspondence per year with Objective Ministerials.

Read Solution Snapshot
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Solution Snapshot

Streamlining ministerials at SA Attorney General's Department

The department saved 220 hours a week and is now directing its focus to the quality of Ministerial responses.

Read Solution Snapshot

We have reduced the response time from an average of 14 days to 2.

Kim Potoczky,

Manager Information Strategy and Policy, PIRSA

Deliver fast, high quality advice with ease

Efficient. Transparent. High quality. Collaborative.

Discover where your processes fit within industry best-practice. Use these insights to build a case for change.

Get Started