Security isn’t something you claim. It’s something you prove.

While IRAP is the definitive ASD standard for handling Protected data, every assessment is unique. Download ours today.

Regular IRAP assessment provides assurance that Objective Connect continues to meet Government cyber security standards. Download details of our latest assessment today.

The independent assessment of the implementation, appropriateness and effectiveness of security controls is a central component of a risk-based cyber security approach.

The Australian Signals Directorate’s (ASD) Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) is a high-quality security assessment against the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM). IRAP provides a consistent approach to security assessment with the aim of securing Australian Government, and broader industry, systems and data.

At Objective we are committed to ensuring the security of the information our customers trust us to protect. This commitment includes the frequent assessment and certification of Objective Connect. Regular IRAP assessment of Connect against the ISM at the Protected level by ASD endorsed assessors forms a central part of this approach.

Secured your data? Prove it.

Completion of an IRAP assessment does not comprise a certification or endorsement on behalf of ASD. But it does provide a valuable detailed assessment against the ISM controls which organisations can then consider against their own cyber security requirements.

Consequently, not all IRAP assessed solutions are created equal. As part of its mission to secure sensitive, confidential and protected data for government and regulated industries, Objective is committed to transparency.

  • See our national, regional and global security certifications here
  • Download our independent IRAP assessment by filling in the form to the right. 
The Objective Connect IRAP assessment concludes that Objective Connect systems, services, and processes are aligned with the March 2023 version of the Australian Government’s ISM

Independent Sekuro IRAP Assessor

There’s no such thing as almost secure.

While every organisation is unique, we all share the challenge of securing information when teams need to collaborate outside their four walls to get things done. Millions of users in 68 countries turn to Objective Connect for secure file sharing and collaboration, including at the whole-of-government level, Defence, Critical Infrastructure and Justice bodies.