Objective Connect Customer Showcase: Cumbria County Council

Sharing sensitive data about vulnerable adults or children with external partners can be a challenge. Whether communicating with sector professionals, local authorities or law enforcement, information transfer risks data breaches, delays, access issues and lack of visibility if a secure system is not used.

As part of the ongoing Objective Customer support series, the Objective Connect team along with Judith Millican and Claire Morgan, respective Business Support to Adoption and Fostering Panels at Cumbria County Council, have delivered a dedicated health and social care showcase and Q&A session.

This webinar will cover how Cumbria County Council – and other local authorities from across the UK – are using Objective Connect to avoid risk, stay secure and keep communities connected and protected when it comes to external file sharing and collaboration.

Cumbria County Council also shares their experience of life before Connect, explaining how the different features have allowed them to improve efficiencies and transform processes up to the present pandemic.


  • Judith Millican, Business Support to Adoption Panels, Cumbria County Council
  • Claire Morgan, Business Support to Fostering Panels, Cumbria County Council
  • Emily Mulroney, Customer Success Manager, Objective Connect