Insights from the Government Regulatory Data Report

Hear industry experts and regulatory leaders unpack the findings and receive a copy of the Government Regulatory Data Report.

Just about every government regulator is striving to get better insights from their data to achieve better outcomes for the community.

Our recent survey helps to answer:

  1. How are different regulators making better use of data?
  2. What improvements in outcomes are they achieving?
  3. What challenges are they facing?
  4. How are they improving the data maturity of their agency?

In this webinar, we’ll take a deep dive into the findings with firsthand analysis from regulatory experts and leaders. Hear from government agency representatives who’ll share a snapshot of their data journey and the results they have achieved.

Webinar Details

Date: Tuesday 26 September 2023

Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM (AEST)

What you'll learn

If you’re involved in regulation, licensing, compliance or enforcement, you will want to attend this one-hour online event.

Understand the scale and scope of data being used to help improve regulation across Australia and New Zealand. At the forum, you’ll:

Learn about the future direction of regulator's data use across ANZ.

Hear how agencies have addressed the challenges of using data.

Explore case studies where data is improving regulation.

Grow your networks and connect with your peers.

Hear From

Tracey Lloyd FCA

Service Leader, Compliance Strategy and Innovation, Inland Revenue

Kerry Leaver

Chief Executive and Registrar at the Education Standards Board

Stephen Jackson

Assistant Manager Security Intelligence, Queensland Rail

Kirsty Dusting

VP Operations - Objective RegTech

Simon Corden

Public Policy Consultant